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Full Edition S Ckfish Opening Ctg 16 Torrent [pdf] Book Rar

Stockfish is a free and open source chess engine developed by Peter Heine Nielsen and Ronald de Man. It is considered one of the strongest chess engines in the world and is one of the most popular chess software programs. In this chapter opening book, I analyze all possible results from the first move down to 27...Nf6 after Black's 9th move, so you can start your opening with a secret weapon! I also provide analysis on each move to help you understand it better, as well as recommended variations for your games. Stockfish Opening book See here for contents of this book. This chapter is the complete opening book in the Mainline Fianchetto variation of the English Opening. The mainline fianchetto variation is by far the most popular variation these days, where black develops both his bishop on g7 and knight on f8 to prepare ...g5-g4. The following chapter takes you through all possible white responses to black's main line fianchetto development, so you can start your opening game with a secret weapon! I also provide analysis of each move to help you better understand it, along with recommended variations for your games. See here for contents of this book. This chapter is the complete opening book for White's normal moves on moves 2 and 3: 1.c4 and 1.Nf3, as well as on moves 2 and 3 after black's main line fianchetto development: 1.Bb5 and 1.g3 (this move is not possible after white's main move 2.Nf3). Stockfish Opening Book ctc See here for contents of this book.The following chapters display the complete analysis of the most common variations encountered in games with a Sicilian Defense where Black plays ...Bb7 or ... c7. The Sicilian Defense is one of the most popular chess openings, and yet, it has more than its fair share of open games. The Sicilian is named after its inventor, Italian master Gaeta or Giuseppe Antonio Maria Keres (1881–1960).See here for contents of this book. This chapter covers the most common preparation moves against 1...e6 in order to get White out of the Bishop's gambit. The following chapters display the complete analysis of the few main lines of the Symmetrical variation, often dubbed "the French Game". The French Game is one of the oldest chess openings and has become incredibly popular. 1.e4 c5 is most common, and this chapter talks about most of the main variations of this opening. The following chapters display the complete analysis of the Dragon Variation of the English Opening, where White plays 2...b6. White deviates from a pure c2-c3 position to a pseudo-Sicilian defense with ...Bb7 and ...a6, which leads to an incredibly dynamic line which usually ends in a queen and knight endgame for Black, due to his piece balance being heavily in favor after ...Bb7. cfa1e77820

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