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This edition of Structural Steel Design is the only one that includes comprehensive coverage of using Appendix G (2009) of ASCE 7 (American Society of Civil Engineers) for all design at the new basic loads. The 6th Edition includes numerous revisions which reflect changes in technology and building codes, plus significant changes in the standards. Features: - Expanded details on rebar detailing; - Notes on steel detailing for wind design; - A new chapter on structural stability; - Details on seismic detailing; - Updated information about common joints and connections; - New material appendix on joint details with illustrations, part numbers, and specifications. This appendix may be replaced by a CD included with purchase. Previously published by McGraw-Hill, New York. The 4th Edition of Structural Steel Details covers the details required by the American Concrete Institute, also known as ACI 318. Features: - Comprehensive coverage of the new ASCE 7 (2009) design at new basic loads; - Detailed steel detailing rules for both steel and concrete members; - Detailed rules for multiple members, structural supports, and beam details including wind bracing; - Grounding of earthwalls using steel wire mesh; - Construction details for each type of joint joint detail is presented in detail with illustrations, part numbers, and specifications. This appendix may be replaced by a CD included with purchase. Previously published by McGraw-Hill, New York. The 3rd Edition of Structural Steel Details covers the details required by the American Concrete Institute, also known as ACI 318. This edition includes important changes in pate 7 (2004) of ASCE 7 (American Society of Civil Engineers) and presents the data in a clear and simple manner. Chapter 1 shows how to use the steel section properties and other data to determine not only how much reinforcing is required but also how it should be placed. The chapter also presents the details for post-tensioning of members, shear reinforcement, and changes in the anchorage requirements where needed. Chapter 2 covers connections. It includes design details for bolted connections, welded connections, special joints such as T joints and L Previously published by McGraw-Hill, New York. The second edition of Structural Steel Details covers the details required by the American Concrete Institute, also known as ACI 318 (American Concrete Institute). This edition includes important changes between pate 6 (1997) of ASCE 7 (American Society of Civil Engineers) and the new pate 5 (2000) which is more comprehensive than earlier editions of ASCE 7. Chapter 1 covers steel section properties necessary to determine not only how much reinforcing is required but also how it should be placed. The chapter also presents the details for post-tensioning of members, shear reinforcement, and changes in the anchorage requirements where needed. Chapter 2 covers connections. It includes design details for bolted connections, welded connections, special joints such as T joints and L Previously published by McGraw-Hill, New York. The 1st Edition of Structural Steel Details covers the details required by American Concrete Institute (ACI 318). cfa1e77820