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Recently, someone released a new version of VAG-COM (a program used to work on vehicles like VWs and Audis). The target audiences for this software are VW/Audi enthusiasts and professionals that need to diagnose and fix faulty cars. We've included some basic instructions on how you can download and use this program. This is an informative and factual blog post about the VAG-COM revival. It's a new update of its former self, which is used by technicians who are trying to diagnose problems with Volkswagen or Audi cars. This is the best option for people who want to work with their car's mechanics without having their car towed in or anything else getting in the way. It has the capabilities you need to ensure that your car will be fixed properly and that you can get out of the shop as soon as possible. There are many advantages to using VAG-COM over any other software you might be using right now. It's reliable, which means it won't be made obsolete by new updates and other programmers, which makes it a great option. You don't have to worry about viruses or having other people hack into your computer, because there aren't any other risks involved with other programs. That also means you don't have to deal with any hardware failures or problems which might arise from installing these types of programs. Those are just some of the reasons you should use VAG-COM instead of any other software for your vehicle. There are some misunderstandings about VAG-COM. For starters, many people think that it's illegal to use this program because it was previously made by Volkswagen and Audi. This is not the case since their updates on the original software were taken down for legal reasons, not because it wasn't allowed anymore. You can't get sued for using VAG-COM if you're just using it to diagnose problems with your own car, you can only get in trouble if there is proof that you're trying to harm the company in any way. If you're looking for a reliable, functional, and affordable solution to having your car repaired correctly, VAG-COM is the software for you. You don't have to worry about any viruses or other problems either. Since it's open source, it's also very easy to upgrade yourself if you decide to do so by downloading the necessary files. If you want to maintain control over the quality of information that goes into your car or this software that goes into it, then VAG-COM is definitely the right choice for you. The newest version of VAG-COM was released on September 18th, 2015. This has brought with it many new features and improvements along with some bug fixes here and there. With the newest version of the software, it is possible for users to look at all kinds of features ranging from engine performance to high-resolution pictures of all the parts inside your vehicle. This gives users an inside look at their vehicles that is much more detailed than before. The newest version also has a record feature that allows users to record everything that they are seeing on their screens while they are using the program. This makes it easy to show other people what you were doing when you had trouble with your car. The new VAG-COM software has many other features as well, like an app interface which can be accessed through any web browser. VAG-COM Revival.rar cfa1e77820